The dynavap M 2021 is an amazing new dry herb vaporizer that combines the finest materials in the vaporizer industry into a single vaporizer. It has a cool design and functions extremely well. It includes a powerful lithium ion battery and is small enough to fit on your keychain. The Xs model has a two-year limited warranty. It comes standard in black.

The best budget dry herb vaporizer I’ve yet to try is the vortex stem diffuser by Flowermate V5 Nano.

I chose this particular model because of its super-cool look, great price and the fact that it was priced reasonably. I’m a bit more concerned about some of the technical aspects of the Flowermate V5 Nano than I’m happy to admit and after testing it for a few weeks I think they’re worth mentioning.

I found that the chamber included in the vaporizer wasn’t very wide, which meant that all of the herbs went stale rather quickly due to lack of air circulation. The temperature control also proved a bit tricky and required a lot of manual adjustment. Other people have said that this could be a problem especially if you’re not a fan of temperature control. Nonetheless the Flowermate V5 Nano performed well in all of my tests and performed much better than the weed killers I was using at the time that made it the best budget dry herb vaporizer for me.

The best budget dry herb vaporizer for me, however, is the AirVape Xs GO by Apollo.

airvape XsGO

This unit has a smaller chamber and although I find the low cost a bit of a turn off, the quality of the herbs is top notch. The vapor produced is also top notch with a nice throaty taste and tons of moisture. I would definitely recommend this as my favorite vaporizer over the Flowermate V5 and I would consider it a top pick for people who are looking for a nice mid-priced model that performs as well as or better than the vaporizers on the higher end.

Based on price, I’d actually recommend the AirVape as the best budget dry herb vaporizer for most people.

The Flowermate V5 Nano is definitely more expensive but it’s also heavier and bulkier and the added features don’t really justify the extra money. If you can get past the feel of the two models, though, the Air Vaporizer II by Pax will be a very nice choice.

This is actually one of my oldest reviewed vaporizers and I’m sure it still gets looked at fondly by current users. It’s also probably one of my most popular dry herb vaporizers and I doubt there’s a woman alive who doesn’t own a couple. I think the reason why it’s so popular is because of its simple design. It looks just like an electric vaporizer only it doesn’t have to use any electricity. You just put in the ground like you would with your clay pots and it will produce a nice hot vapor.

The only real negative about this model is that it doesn’t have the ability to be used on a per session basis. However, the ability to use other types of vaporizers without the necessity to purchase another piece is a big plus.

There are other types of herb warmers on the market and you can even get them that have interchangeable heating chambers so you can use one mouthpiece with the herbs in the other chamber.

The problem with this is that you’re limited to only heating herbs from one herb up to the point where the mouthpiece becomes too hot to use but with the ability to switch herbs around you can get almost any type of herb to be heated.

I actually only changed my chamber for two reasons. I like being able to use a larger chamber on my High-quality device and the USB cable which are provided with the unit. I had originally purchased the unit without the USB cable but found out that I could not use it with my High-quality device when I didn’t have the cable and ended up purchasing the version that came with the cable. Obviously price was a major factor but overall I think this is a great little vaporizer that produces high quality herbal vapour.